Plymouth residents who recycle using their Republic tote are being updated on the items that are approved for recycling and those items that are not.
You can put plastics in your recycle toter. The item should have a number 1 through 7 inside the recycling arrows on the package. Metal cans, aluminum foil, and aluminum foil pans are recyclable. This includes all food and beverage cans, steel, tin, bi-metal, and aluminum.
Cardboard, newspaper, and magazines are recyclable. You can also include newspaper inserts, catalogs, paperback books, phone books, and brochures. Paper food containers are recyclable including juice boxes, egg, ice cream, and milk containers along with cereal and pasta boxes. They do ask that they are empty.
Paper is recyclable including envelopes, office paper, junk mail, greeting cards, and file folders. Shredded paper should be put in a paper bag and placed in your tote. Republic will also take glass for recycling. This includes brown, green, and clear glass.
Some items that Republic Services won’t take for recycling include aerosol cans, appliances, batteries, bubble wrap, Christmas lights, coat hangers, electrical cords, food waste, garden hoses, plastic grocery bags, sports equipment, stuffed animals, Styrofoam, syringes, razor blades, tires, wood, and yard waste.
The following items require special handling and should never be mixed with regular solid waste or recycling because they require special handling: incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, toxic material containers, paints, hazardous waste, computers, and electronics.
To learn more about recycling please visit
Other recycling options are available at the Recycle Depot on Walter Glaub Drive in Plymouth. Additional information can be found on their website at