I just came back to my house on Mt. Joy, from taking a walk to my brother’s and back home.
The Lord has given all of us such a beautiful, breezy day, with sunshine and seventy degree weather.
The purpose of my walk was to enjoy the day and pick up trash alongside the road. Some of the people who travel through our community throw their trash out their car window and it lies there, very ugly, until someone picks it up. Some of their empty containers which I pick up are evidence that substances which are harmful to good health and well being are used by many on our roadways. I wish all could know that their life is worth so much more than these “false pleasures.”
We are all so blessed to live in such a beautiful country. I (as probably some of you) grew up in a hollow, or holler as we all called it. In our hollow there were numerous high hills surrounding us. These were covered with lush forest, trees of hickory, mighty oaks, walnut, hackberry, maples, poplar, dogwood, red bud and others. In the valleys below were houses scattered about in smaller hollows. In these houses lived families (descendants of one large family). There were springs of crystal clear water, each flowing down to the main creek which ran the length of the hollow. Many children have enjoyed playing in these small streams, finding pretty rocks, catching minnows and crawfish, boiling potatoes in tin cans and frying crawfish tails, a time and place of peace and fun.
The reason that I started writing these things is because it saddens me so (as I am sure it does some of you) to see such disrespect for the beautiful homeland that God has given us.
Our very lives are sustained by our pure water and land. I believe that our Indian ancestors revered the nature all around them. Should we do any less?
Sometimes I like to just read of creation and how God made everything perfect and placed man here with instructions to care for it. With just a little care and thoughtfulness couldn’t we do a much better job?
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